Frequently Asked Questions

For our synthetic barrier sprays (our most popular service) we come to service your property every 3 weeks.

For our all-natural solution we come every 2 weeks for an application.

We choose our products and our treatments very carefully and take the rainy season here in Florida into account with our chemical selection. After a treatment we need about 15-20 minutes for the application to dry and congeal to the areas treated. Once dry, the chemicals are resistant to rain and sun for a period of roughly 3 weeks. We are able to accomplish this service interval by only using chemicals that use microencapsulation with their active ingredients.

Microencapsulation is a process first developed for use in the food science and technology industries. The goal of microencapsulation is to coat an active compound by an encapsulating agent, also known as wall material, which will isolate the active material, thereby protecting the active material from adverse changes. Specific to pest control, we use chemicals that will resist the effects of being washed away by the rain or burned up by the sun.

This really depends on each individual homeowner and your yard. We don’t have to tell you that in this part of Florida mosquito season is pretty much year round. Based on our history we find that we have about an 80/20 split with our year round sprays. 80% of our customers either need to or choose to go year round and about 20% will suspend their services through the winter months, generally December-February.

We do advise that if you suspend your service it may take 2-3 treatments to get you back to full coverage the subsequent spring. When customers stay on year round the mosquito breeding cycle is continuously interrupted and it’s harder for mosquitoes to breed on your property. After a few months off the breeding cycle has restarted and we must interrupt the cycle again at the start of the season.

No. We will suggest a 3 weeks schedule because beyond that length of time the chemical breaks down and the breeding cycle is able to start again in your yard. Once we interrupt the breeding cycle after your first couple of treatments we like to keep the cycle interrupted continuously. Should you choose to go longer than 3 weeks it's no problem with us we just like to advise customers the expectation would be that you may start to see some level of mosquito activity on your property outside the 3 week window.

Many of our customers choose to go 3 weeks for most of the year and will drop to a 2 week cycle for a period of time in the hot rainy summer months. Although we leave this decision up to the customers because each property is unique and some houses are more affected by mosquitoes in the summer than others.

No! We never require customers to sign a contract and we let them start and suspend service as they see fit.

For customers who are looking for a discount on service we do offer a “pay in advance” discount but do not require any contracts to receive the discount. If interested, inquire during your call with either of two owners and they will be happy to go over any potential discount options with you.

Yes, we offer mosquito mist systems. We have a preferred supplier we use for our all of our mist systems and can do the installation and provide regular fill ups and service at your request. Call us for more details.

Our barrier sprays require a technician to come to the home and treat your property for mosquitos. The chemicals we use have a residual effect so they must be applied by a licensed professional. Once applied your home is protected from those pesky blood suckers for the next 2-3 weeks, depending on which service you choose.

The mist system is a permanently fixed system controlled and operated by the homeowner. The system is a self standing 55 gallon unit that holds mixed water and chemicals and then sprays 3+ times a day to control mosquito populations. A gentle mist is applied throughout the yard through nozzles and sprayers situated along fencelines, routed through foliage and oftentimes hung under the soffit on the house and around patio areas. Because the chemicals used have no residual effect the homeowner does not need a license in pest control to apply the chemicals. While there is a digital programmable computer that will automatically spray your yard at the appropriate time, we also provide homeowners with a remote control so they can spray their yard at any instant.

We are hoping to be able to offer an app in 2021 so that you can even spray your yard while driving home from the grocery store ready for tonight's BBQ!

The biggest differentiator between us and most (but not all) of our competitors is our pricing. As a “mom and pops” business we are able to limit any overhead not directly related to serving you, the customer. As you shop for both mosquito and general pest control services you will find that over the years many of the companies have transitioned to either franchise or corporate models. Those businesses carry a large financial burden in the cost of franchise fees, royalties, advertising and marketing fees, monthly licensing fees and other operating costs. All of that overhead gets rolled into the price of a service.

At Mosquito Tiger we don’t have to account for all of that unnecessary overhead resulting in better pricing and more savings for you!

Furthermore almost all pest control companies are using similar labor rates and we all have the same global supply chain for our sub-supplier regarding the materials we use at your home. This means that the industry is fairly normalized with its cost structure.

We always encourage customers who choose not to use us to at least go with a local competitor and keep the money here in Florida :-)